Thursday, May 11, 2017

Final PE Evaluation

My first goal was to be as native sounding as I can.
My second goal was to work on my listening.

Overall, I think my second goal was more successful throughout this semester. This may be because the first goal is more difficult, but I feel that my listening has vastly improved over the course of this year. I went from constantly asking "what was that?" to actually clearly understanding everything said to me, and that made me feel really accomplished. I stopped having to ask もう一度話してお願いします。

The first goal is more difficult. This will take continuous work, and I look forward to improving while my time at PII. I hope that I will sound (even if my vocabulary and grammar isn't there yet) native by the time I return after 8 weeks in Japan.

As a concluding note, I am very very pleased to how far I've come, and I am excited to continue studying Japanese.

Monday, May 8, 2017




一番楽しいことはパーティーに来る歌手です。毎年10人ぐらいがきてeating clubの前のローンでショーをします。だから、そのパーティーは「ローンパティー」って言います。今年の一番有名な歌手はJeremihだったけど、私が知っていない人です。それもよかった。

Monday, April 24, 2017









Thursday, March 30, 2017

Midterm Reevaluation of PE Goals

Now that half of the semester has passed, let's reevaluate my goals once again.

My only PE-related goal from my last evaluation was to become as much native-sounding as I could. This is a little vague, so I will get some more details written down. I will also add a few more PE - related goals.

1. Be as native-sounding as I can, with a big focus on understanding the speaker, as well as understanding what I have to say. My speaking will need more time and practice to become as good as a native's, that is beyond doubt. However, I can at least begin to work on my listening, which is another important part of becoming native-level, and also just to know what I should be saying (even if the sound isn't as good). My speaking then just has to catch up.

2. Going off number one, I need to work on my listening. This will be helped immensely by watching anime/movies and listening to j-music. I already listen to Japanese music a lot, often a Japanese radio station at the gym. I should find some time to watch Japanese shows too.

Biggest part of PE is to speak and listen, so I think these improvements will have big effects in my Japanese learning.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017







Thursday, February 9, 2017

Goals for the New Semester

Goals and Means of Achieving Them

1. Improve my speaking. Get more confident speaking and less hesitant. I also want to be able to listen very well, so the speaker can speak in a natural speed. I will start going to Japanese tables for 2nd years in hopes of picking up more natural conversations. This might be tough but I think it will really help.

2. Improve my vocabulary. Outside of classroom as well, I wish to learn more vocabulary that are also not in Nakama textbook. More vocabulary is essential if I am to speak more variably. Grammar is important but so is vocabulary. Again, going to 2nd year Japanese table will be helpful, and so will reading vocabulary study sheets/flash cards. I will read outside of class every weekend.

3. Get enough knowledge to get around Japan by the summer. Before PII, I wish to have the ability to get around Japan with common tasks. This way, I can take advantage of PII and learn as much as I can. I can do this by doing well in the class, and paying attention to everything from the news, to the culture, to the language (through points 1-2).